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Grand Chapter


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Through StarCARE, California Eastern Star provides many forms of assistance for our members in need and their families. If you are a member, family of a member, or know of a member that needs our loving care and support, please call our StarCARE program at 1 (800) 567-2273  or email us at OutreachServices@easternstarhomes.org and a representative can direct you to the right resources.

  • Admission to our Senior Living Community in Yorba Linda
  • Assistance from our Cancer or Benevolent Fund
  • Referrals to local programs
  • Any other aid that we can provide

For more information about services available to our members and their families:

Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to sorrowing families and friends when our members pass away.

A local Chapter can assist with performing an Eastern Star Memorial or Funeral Service if requested. For assistance, please contact the Grand Chapter Office at (714) 986-2380 or adminmail@oescal.org.

Many of our members request that donations be made to one of our charities in lieu of flowers. If your loved one has made such a request and you would like to make a memorial donation through this website, please click here. Be sure to fill out the comment section of your donation to read “in memory of…”

If you are preparing a funeral announcement and your loved one has requested that donations be made to one of our charities, please contact the Grand Chapter Office at (714) 986-2380 or adminmail@oescal.org for instructions on who to make the check payable to and appropriate memo notation.

  • Your check can then be mailed to:
    Grand Chapter of California, OES
    16960 Bastanchury Road, Suite C
    Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1711

Thank you for your generosity.

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